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Company Name: Kunshan Junchuang Electronic Material Co., Ltd.

Contact: Peng Zong

Contact number: 13812883698

Tel: 0512-55180151, 55198488

Fax: 0512-55197488

E-mail: ksjc8888@126.com

Address: Building 1, No. 2588, Huanqing Road, Yushan Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province

How to use dust-free cloth is correct?

Release date:2019-03-19

Some customers still have some shortcomings about how to use dust-free cloth. Here I will briefly introduce to you how the dust-free cloth should be used correctly to maximize its effect.

1. When using and unpacking the dust-free cloth, it is necessary to bring dust-free gloves and masks to avoid spilling dust.

2. The dust-free cloth is convenient to use, and can be scrubbed with a solvent or directly scrubbed.

3. When scrubbing, apply the four sides of the clean cloth to the inside. Do not touch the surface of the scrubbed with the dust-free cloth.

4. When using high-end dust-free cloth, it is necessary to unpack and use it in a clean environment.

5. During the application process, the dust-free cloth must be kept flat and can not be smashed. When moving and scrubbing, try to completely touch the clean cloth and the surface to be scrubbed, and also ensure that it is scrubbed in the same direction. Repeat scrubbing back and forth.

As a common cleaning thing, clean cloth has always been loved, and it is also suggested that the majority of users should strictly follow the above methods to avoid unnecessary waste.

For more information about electronic non-woven fabrics, dust-proof and dust-free cloth, waterproof non-woven fabrics of Kunshan Junchuang Electronic Materials Co., Ltd., please contact Xiaobian.

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